Automatic Injectable Dry Powder Filling With Rubber Stoppering Machine

Auto Injectable Dry Powder Filling With Rubber Stoppering
Auto Injectable Dry Powder Filling With Rubber Stoppering
Model No. UPF-120
Production Rate
per Min**
Up to 120 Vials(For Single Dose)
Up to 60 Vials(For Double Dose)
Up to 40 Vials(For Triple Dose)
Up to 30 Vials(For Four Dose)
Filling Capacity 50 mg to 1.5 gm(For Single Dose)
1.5 gm to 5 gm(For Double, Triple, Four Dose)
Depends on Vial neck size and Bulk density of powder
Injectable dry powder filling
Injectable dry powder filling
Model No. UPF-240
Production Rate
per Min**
Up to 240 Vials(For Single Dose)
Up to 120 Vials(For Double Dose)
Up to 80 Vials(For Triple Dose)
Up to 60 Vials(For Four Dose)
Filling Capacity 50 mg to 1.5 gm(For Single Dose)
1.5 gm to 5 gm(For Double, Triple, Four Dose)
Depends on Vial neck size and Bulk density of powder

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